
The Long (old) Version
The Short (new) Version

 Let's get a list of all the running processes and they're PID. Open up the terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and paste the following:

ps -A

Take a note of the PID number. Now:

kill -9 (PID)

Now for a little bit of customization, you can add the grep pipe feature to filter only the application that you want. For example:

ps -A | grep firefox

or simply run

pgrep firefox

Will give you only the lines that contain the word "Firefox" as the process, so you can kill only that.

Why not combine the two in one simple command? Try:

kill -9 $(pgrep firefox)

This command will start the "kill" but it will automatically search for any process named "firefox" so be sure of the process that you want to kill.

Now for the "kill" command, you can use the following signals:

NumberName (short name)DescriptionUsed for
0 SIGNULL (NULL) Null Check access to pid
1 SIGHUP (HUP) Hangup Terminate; can be trapped
2 SIGINT (INT) Interrupt Terminate; can be trapped
3 SIGQUIT (QUIT) Quit Terminate with core dump; can be trapped
9 SIGKILL (KILL) Kill Forced termination; cannot be trapped
15 SIGTERM (TERM) Terminate Terminate; can be trapped
24 SIGSTOP (STOP) Stop Pause the process; cannot be trapped. This is default if signal not provided to kill command.
25 SIGTSTP (STP) Terminal Stop/pause the process; can be trapped
26 SIGCONT (CONT) Continue Run a stopped process

Note the specific mapping between numbers and signals can vary between Unix versions.

Amazing info right? Yes it is. And now that you understood how to use the above commands, forget them and use this one:

pkill firefox

This command will find the Process, the PID and kill it AIO (all in one).


I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you.

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